Enterprise News

Vietnamese Version Of HSIEHS BIOTECH Official Website Will Be Launched Soon.


GOLDEN LYPRES® is exclusively available from HSIEHS BIOTECH (Singapore) for customers worldwide. In addition to the Chinese version (Traditional and Simplified Chinese) and the English version of our official website, the Vietnamese version specially designed for premium Vietnamese customers will be launched very soon.

The content of the Vietnamese version will include the latest health information and the relevant academic publications about Lycopene and Resveratrol. We hope more and more premium Vietnamese customers will get an insight into the practical benefits of Lycopene and Resveratrol---two of the most powerful  health supplements nowadays via our comprehensive online introduction.

The launch of the Vietnamese version is our new stage to fulfill our business philosophy---” Global Marketing, Local Service”. Meanwhile, the Vietnamese version of our official website also provides a platform to support our channel partners in Vietnam.